Promoting BGS & Your Chapter

  • Have faculty, student, and alumni members showcase their membership by wearing their lapel pin or by adding the digital member badge to their LinkedIn or other related accounts and documents. Consider having members wearing t-shirts or other BGS apparel during the week that the invitations are sent or delivered. Faculty members can display their membership certificates in their offices or through their online profile.
  • Include an article about your Beta Gamma Sigma chapter’s induction (or other activities) in the School of Business publication, website, digital displays, or social media platforms.
  • Participate in Beta Gamma Sigma Founders' Week to encourage greater recognition of BGS on campus. Consider options like coordinating with other chapters worldwide to virtually celebrate Founder’s week, send blanket notifications to members to create awareness of combined events; invite members to share their BGS stories on their social media and more.
  • List Beta Gamma Sigma in the College/University catalog, website, and social media accounts as the business honor society for your school’s AACSB International accredited business program.
  • Purchase and install a Beta Gamma Sigma bronze key in or near the School of Business building to increase recognition of the Society on campus.
  • Maintain a BGS display in the business school.
  • Display all BGS chapter plaques prominently in the School of Business building (chapter charter, Outstanding Chapter, etc.)
  • Use BGS members as student ambassadors or guides when VIP guests or prospective students tour the College of Business.
  • Promote BGS programs and benefits.
  • Share your chapters media content with our team through our media submissions