Collegiate Chapter Event Ideas



Networking Night

Host a networking night at one of your local area restaurants where BGS members have the opportunity to connect with local BGS Alumni.

Meet & Greet

Host a Meet & Greet where students can meet future professors and academic advisors in your institution’s school of business to discuss their classes, academic plans, and career goals.

Resume/Interview Night

Host a Resume and Interview prep night in conjunction with Career Services and local alumni to critique resumes and give interview tips to students to help them with their job/internship interview prep.



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Host a dance contest, singing or karaoke contest, stand-up comedy show, etc.  the possibilities are endless! Give students a break from their books and a chance to let loose.


Host some themed or holiday parties that BGS members can look forward to such as; a Chapter Cook-Out, International Potluck, and Ugly Sweater Party etc.

Movie Night

Host a movie night that shows films about topics that demonstrate the Society’s values or documentaries from local/independent film makers.


Community Cleanup

Organize a local park, city, or campus cleanup as part of BGS Gives Back. Or brainstorm a list of local organizations in your community who you would like to help.

Local Drives

Host a food drive, clothing drive, or book drive to benefit local organizations or disadvantaged students on campus. These drives can bring the entire campus community together for a great cause. 


Gather some volunteers to help tutor college freshman or primary school children for their first exams during their first semester.



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Plan a trip for your chapter’s members to a local historical site or popular tourist destination in your area. This is an opportunity for your members to bond with each other on a more personal level.


Take a tour of a local landmark, the city, museum, art gallery, or a local company.

Field Day

Go to an open field and play team building games. Have a water balloon fight, kickball game, and other games that will give everyone a break from studying.


  • We had a panel of four VMI alumni talk to the BGS members (and this was an event to the entire student body) about graduate school. The students asked questions about tests (GMAT, etc), interviewing, etc. Virginia Military Institute
  • The UML chapter co-hosted a well-received and attended workshop and panel of experts: Sexual Harassment & Workplace Conduct Seminar “HOW TO ACT, HOW TO HELP, HOW TO REACT.” The event was planned and executed by the student leaders of Beta Gamma Sigma, Women in Business, and the Management Society. Faculty advisors for these three student organizations supervised and assisted in securing expert speakers. University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • We have what we call the Bryson/Sawyer Speaker Series, co-hosted with the Business School. Accomplished academics, business, and industry leaders are invited to give public lectures. These are attended by the university and local community. Morgan State University
  • BGS Executive Shadowing Program: The Executive Shadowing program is designed to give top 5 business students the opportunity to shadow a corporate leader and provide them an insight into the business world. Abu Dhabi University
  • We held a Room Escape Event. The student officers invited the new initiates to a room escape event. The idea is that you are locked in a room, follow clues, and solve puzzles in an attempt to escape a room. It involves team building and leadership exercises. Dominican University
  • BGS chapter hosted a movie night at the Grove Hall Forum to show the movie “The Internship.” The chapter felt it was a complimentary movie selection for BGS, because it has a great mix comedy and illustrates some actual situations one may encounter as an intern. The chapter offered free popcorn and had candy and soda available for purchase. Shippensburg University
  • Our event was a Fall semester meet and greet that was planned by current officers. BGS members enrolled in classes Fall '17 were invited so that they could become acquainted and informed about the semester's activities. The event was successful. Current membership roster spans several induction ceremonies, so it was fun for members to become connected. It was a nice surprise for students to find out which of their classmates were also BGS members. The University of Akron
  • Participated in "Into the Streets" community service. Members assisted the Chamber of Commerce with cleaning, etc. related to the 100th Anniversary renovation project. State University of New York, Oneonta
  • We held a clothing drive to gather new and gently used professional clothing to help stock a professional clothes closet to benefit all students in the Gordon Ford College of Business. Western Kentucky University
  • Spearheaded a Food Drive from Thanksgiving return to Christmas break (about two weeks) and presented items and monies collected to the Campus Food Pantry for students. North Carolina Central University
  • The student officers and several other members of BGS volunteered to read to grade school students in the R.E.D. program during the fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters. They fill in for parents and grandparents who cannot attend. University of North Dakota
  • We have held a BGS member-exclusive activity.  It was a corporate visit to the LinkedIn Hong Kong Office. A seminar has been held where LinkedIn executive introduced their office, operation, and the use of the LinkedIn platform to our members. The executive also briefed our members on how they could keep/have an up-to-date professional LinkedIn profile and its importance to career development. The University of Hong Kong
  • Mars Facility trip each semester which included a tour of the facility and an informative speech on each job responsibility. BGS students left resumes and mingled with the Mars reps. It was a great networking opportunity. Rutgers – State University of New Jersey – New Brunswick