Ethical Leadership Certification Program – Spring Discount!
In December, Beta Gamma Sigma initiated a partnership with The NASBA Center for the Public Trust to launch our new Ethical Leadership Certification Program (ELCP). Numerous chapters and individuals have registered for the ELCP, attesting that our chapters and future business leaders regard ethical leadership as a top priority.
As a reminder, the ELCP is a fully online course intended for students who want to refine their ethical leadership skills. This program provides students with a broad understanding of the wide range of ethical challenges in the workplace. It also helps to prepare them to handle those challenges with confidence when they arise.
On Monday, March 13, we began offering a 10% discount off the price of the program. Students and chapters are eligible to register at the discounted price of 44.99 USD per person. This discount will run for a limited time only.
If you would like to enroll a group of students in the program, you have the option to either pay half or the full registration amount for students or allow students to pay themselves. As an added bonus, when chapter contacts complete the registration form, they will receive teaching aids to spark chapter meeting discussions around the topics covered in the Ethical Leadership Certification Program.
Encourage your students to prepare for the future by registering for this program today!
For more information on the Ethical Leadership Certification Program, please visit or contact Denise Cage at