Student Planning Ahead for the Next Year
As you begin closing out your activities from this academic year, don’t forget to start planning for the year ahead. Below are a few things you’ll want to do to prepare for another successful year.
1. Select or Elect your 2017-2018 Student Officers
a. Distribute the Student Officer Guidelines and Nomination form to students who are interested in serving in a Student Officer role. NOTE: This form is just a sample guideline and does not need to be returned to the BGS Global Headquarters.
b. Schedule a transition meeting for the outgoing and incoming Student Officers prior to the end of the term. Our Student Officer Transitioning Guide is a great tool to use for this meeting.
2. Update the Chapter Contact Information in the CMS
a. To view the Chapter Contacts for your chapter, follow these steps:
i. Visit the “Chapter Contacts” tab
ii. Click the “Load Users” button
b. To add your new Advisor/Co-Advisor/Admin to the CMS, follow this process:
i. Visit the “Chapter Contacts” tab
ii. Select “Add New User”
iii. Enter the new contact information by completing the required fields
iv. Change the contact type to Chapter Advisor, Chapter Co-Advisor or Chapter Admin
v. Enter a username for this person (typically their email address)
vi. Scroll to the bottom and save the page by clicking “Save User”
vii. You will be redirected back to the Chapter Contacts tab. The new contact’s name will appear on the list once you click “Load Users” again. They will receive an email with their username and auto-generated password.
c. To remove a Chapter Contact from the CMS, follow these steps:
i. Visit the “Chapter Contacts” tab
ii. Click “Load Users”
iii. Select “Edit” to the right of the contact you want to delete
iv. Scroll down to Contact Type and select “Not a Contact”
v. Scroll down to Email Settings and unselect the box next to “I would like to receive Chapter email”
vi. Scroll to the bottom and save the page by clicking “Save User”
3. Plan Ahead to Participate in the 2017 BGS Gives Back Program
- We hope you’ll plan ahead to participate in this day of service opportunity next year. This is a great opportunity for you and your chapter members to spend some time giving back to your local community in a meaningful way. Chapters are free to select the way in which they participate and the day that works best for you. Some examples of activities chapters have participated in previously are:
- Volunteering with habitat for humanity
- Participating in 5Ks to benefit a variety of causes
- Holding a food drive on campus
- Cleaning up area roadways
- As a reminder, chapters who participate in the BGS Gives Back and complete the registration form here will earn 10 Collegiate Chapter Honor Roll engagement points.