Register now for the Collegiate Chapter Training Seminars
Registration is now live for the Collegiate Chapter Officer Trainings and Chapter Management System (CMS) Webinars. We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, Aug. 7, 9am-noon CST – Collegiate Chapter Officer Training webinar
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2-3pm CST – CMS Webinar
Wednesday, Sept. 18, immediately following AACSB conference in San Antonio, TX
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2-3pm CST – Chapter Resources Webinar
Thursday & Friday, Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 – In conjunction with GLS in Chicago, IL
Thursday, Jan. 23, 1-4pm CST - Collegiate Chapter Officer Training webinar
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2-3pm CST – CMS Webinar
We recommend that someone from each chapter attends one of these trainings every 1 to 3 years. This will help chapters stay up to date with information for Global HQ—and give them the opportunity to network with chapter leaders around the world and share best practices!